John Slauenwhite
Real Results with Camp Management Software
Wreckhouse Volleyball, a bustling hub for volleyball enthusiasts in St. John's, Newfoundland, was on a rough patch. They were struggling with a disjointed system of form submissions and e-transfers, setting up the stage for errors, discrepancies, and a barrage of endless back-and-forths.
Enter Citrus, software for sports, with its powerful sports management system that turned the game around.

Citrus' Simplified Online Camp Registration and Finances for Wreckhouse Volleyball
User-Friendly Software
Citrus served a straight-set win by providing an easy account creation process and a clean, well-organized, customizable storefront for online camp registration. The result? No more chasing down payments, and more hours to focus on their mission, thanks to online registration
Rapid Event Setup
In less than three minutes, Wreckhouse Volleyball could set up new events, saving considerable time when setting up their registration process.
Detailed Financial Reports
Citrus played a crucial role in helping Wreckhouse make savvier business decisions. Their financial reports provided insights into income, cash flow, discounts, and profitability, illuminating trends and patterns vital for strategic planning.
John Slauenwhite, owner and head coach, is a passionate advocate for Citrus' capabilities. He shared,
"Citrus provided us with a seamless, user-friendly sports camp registration system that parents can navigate effortlessly. It also offers comprehensive tracking of our key metrics, from finances to client information."

The Citrus Smash: Exceptional Customer Service for This Volleyball Camp
When it comes to customer service, no one does it better than Citrus! When Wreckhouse suggested adding a coupon code integration to Citrus' camp management software, the team quickly acted upon it, implementing the feature successfully.
It's these interactive and responsive customer service experiences that make Citrus the top pick for youth sports organizations like Wreckhouse.
John praises Citrus' dedication to client satisfaction, saying,
"Incorporating Citrus into our business has been a fantastic decision. The platform's simplicity, outstanding customer support, and insightful reports make it an indispensable tool for a sports organization like ours."
Streamline Your Sport Operations—Experience Citrus' Camp Registration Software that is easy!
Wreckhouse Volleyball's transition to Citrus has been a game-changer for their success. What was once a tedious process of data entry and customer communication for their sports camps has been seamlessly streamlined with Citrus' camp software, transforming it into an efficient and reliable operation.

So if you too want to spike up your operational efficiency and create more time for your core mission, why not give Citrus a go? Our features, customer service, and commitment to their clients stand as a testament to their excellence. To paraphrase John, it's a no-brainer!
Ready to taste the Citrus magic yourself? Get started today with a free trial - no credit card required, no strings attached! Visit Citrus now!
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