Exporting Contacts and Attendees
Discover how to export contacts and attendees in Citrus.
Easily manage your data and optimize your sports camp operations.
Explore the seamless process of exporting your contacts and attendees lists. Here's how to get your list of contacts and attendees.
Exporting contacts:
- Click on Contacts on the left navigation panel
- Click on View Report (next to the contacts header) - If the report is not visible, reach out to support at support@citruscamps.com
- Filter your date ranges and types of contacts
- Click the Actions button on the top right
- Export to either CSV or XLSX
Exporting attendees:
- Click on Attendees on the left navigation panel
- Click on View Report (next to the attendees header) - If the report is not visible, reach out to support at support@citruscamps.com
- Filter your date ranges and types of attendees
- Click the Actions button on the top right
- Export to either CSV or XLSX