Importing Contacts and Attendees
Learn how to import contacts and attendees in Citrus.
Simplify data management and streamline your sports camp operations effortlessly.
You'll want to add in your contacts first, allowing you to add and link attendees later. Note that attendees are linked using the contact name and the contact email. We'll touch on this later, lets get started with the contacts.
Importing contacts:
- Click Contacts on the left navigation bar
- Click Add Contacts on the top right corner
- Select Import Contacts
- Choose whether to upload a file or to copy and paste
- Importing by uploading a file - Check out the types of columns you need for import below
- Importing by copy and paste - enter Email Address, First name, and Last name respectively (separated by commas, and each person on a different line)
- Map your columns and click continue
- Select the check box to send an invite to your contacts so they can join Citrus
- Complete the import
Importing attendees:
- Click Attendees on the left navigation bar
- Click Add Attendees on the top right corner
- Select Import Attendees
- Choose whether to upload a file or to copy and paste
- Importing by uploading a file - Check out the types of columns you need for import below
- Importing by copy and paste - enter Email Address, First name, and Last name respectively (separated by commas, and each person on a different line). Note that if you use this method of import, your attendees will NOT be linked to their contacts unless the contact name and the contact email is added and mapped.
- Map your columns and click continue
- Select the check box to send an invite to your contacts so they can join Citrus
- Complete the import
Before importing, have a look at the column types that you'll need for your import!
Contact Columns:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Street Address (optional)
- Apartment Or Suite (optional)
- City (optional)
- State/ Province Or Territory (optional)
- Zip Code / Postal Code (optional)
- Country (optional)
Attendee Columns:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Contact's Email Address - used to link to their contact. Make sure it's the same email that is on the contacts page
- Contact's Name (include the first and last name in one column) - used to link to their contact. Make sure the spelling is just as it appears on the contacts page
- Date of Birth (optional)
- Email Address (optional)
- Phone Number (optional)
- Gender (optional) - This must be written out as "Male" or "Female". Fields writing it as "M" and "F" will not be imported.
- Health Card (optional)
Things to Note!
- You cannot map Age columns into the import
- For additional fields not listed above, you can input using Citrus Properties found in the Contact and Attendee accounts.