Contacts and Attendees
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Managing Account Balance

Discover how to manage your account balance in Citrus. Keep track of payments, expenses, and ensure financial accuracy for your sports camp.

Customer Account Balances is a feature that can help you build a strong relationship and retain customers. It can be another option instead of refunding a customer, but to add to their Account Balance. Customers are able to view and use their account balance for any future payments on their own. ⚖️ 🫂

How to Adjust Someone's Account Balance

  1. Click on Contacts on the lefthand panel
  2. Search for the contact
  3. Click on the contact’s name to view details
  4. Click View next to the account balance
  5. Click Adjust Balance
  6. Select the adjustment type
  7. Type in the amount
  8. Add an internal note if needed
  9. Click Adjust

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Contacts and Attendees

Managing Account Balance

Discover how to manage your account balance in Citrus. Keep track of payments, expenses, and ensure financial accuracy for your sports camp.

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