Membership Report
Explore the Membership Report in Citrus Camps. Track member data, monitor growth, and optimize your sports camp programs effectively.
Citrus has your back on keeping track of your memberships. The Membership report is a breakdown of sales for each active membership. Just like all Citrus reports, you can filter the report by date, and in the membership report, you can filter by status, package, and gender to find exactly what you're looking for.
Here is everything you need to know about Citrus' Membership Report
Attendee: The full name of the attendee with the membership
Contact Name: The contacts full name
Package: The membership package that the attendee has
Interval: The billing frequency of the membership. (monthly, quarterly, or annually)
Amount: The price of the membership
Status: The status of the membership
Created: When the membership was first issued
Start Date: When the membership was started
Last Order: The last order that the membership was present on. This is the order the last payment was made on the membership
Last Order Paid: Whether or not the last order (above) was paid. (Y/N)
Last Order Date: The date of the last order
Current Period Start: The first day of the new billing period
Current Period End: The last day of the new billing period
Canceled: The date of cancelation