Payments Report

Learn about the Payments Report in Citrus. Track transactions, manage finances, and gain insights into your sports camp's payment activity.

Citrus has your back on keeping track of your income. Tax season will be a breeze with Citrus' Payments Report. Here is everything you need to know:

The Payments report is a detailed summary of the sales collected for each payment method. Feel free to filter this report by date to find exactly what you need. Please keep in mind this report is based on transaction dates.

Payment Method: The type of payment method

Gross Sales: The total dollar amount of total sales transactions not including tax and fees

Included Fees: This is the dollar amount of fees that were not passed on to your customers (absorbed by the organizer)

Returns: The dollar amount of fees that were passed on to your customers (not absorbed)

Discounts: The dollar amount that was discounted

Net Sales: The dollar amount of how much you made -> gross sales - refunds - discounts

Total Tax: The dollar amount of total tax calculated

Collected Tax: The dollar amount of the tax collected

Total Sales: The net sales + collected tax

Not Included Fee: The dollar amount of fees that were passed on to your customers (not absorbed)

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