Understanding Order Options

Learn about order options in Citrus. Customize your registration and payment settings to enhance your sports camp's ordering experience.

Build out your programs and events to your liking with order options. Citrus' order option flexibility allows you to set different price points, durations, visibility options and more!

Order options are a great tool to use to better structure your programs. We'll talk about a few ways that you can use order options to make sure your getting the most out of Citrus.

Order options are settings within your camps, sessions and appointments that allow you to configure the price, number of availiable spots, visibility, event sales dates, gender, and age requirements. The different options that are created can be selected during checkout. Every event must have at least one order option so that your attendees can register.

Why use order options

  • Price

Order options are the perfect way to set multiple price points for a one camp. For example you can set different price points for different positions that your attendees play all under the same event.

  • Gender + Age

You can set this in the settings for events that cater to one gender or age group. This is simply an indication that the event is meant for one gender or age, but it will not prohibit attendees outside of these parameters to register

Gender and age settings are used to help people filter through your events to find gender and age specific events.

  • Visibility

For events that are invite only, you are able to make your order options hidden. This will allow you to copy a link to send out to a select few to register

  • Sales Start and End Dates

By setting the sale start date, your can schedule when you want your event to be avalibale for purchase. Once the sale end date has been passed, the order option will no longer be availiable. This makes it easy to organize your events ahead of time.

  • Duration (Appointments Only)

When creating your appointments you can set different lengths of appointments all on the same calendar. Click here to better understand appointments with multiple durations.

Helpful Tips:
  • Use a descriptive title so that your customers can easily identify which option is right for them.

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Understanding Order Options

Learn about order options in Citrus. Customize your registration and payment settings to enhance your sports camp's ordering experience.

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